
Dobrodošli u Soulartis TMV /Sr

Životinje i priroda su moja neiscrpna i najveća inspiracija. Pred vama su proizvodi (radovi) koji pripadaju različitim celinama ali su svi inspirisani omiljenim životinjskim ljubimcima i prirodom.

Biće mi čast i zadovoljstvo da ovekovečim portret vašeg ljubimca. U proces stvaranja će biti utkana umetnička veština i biće urađeni sa velikom posvećenošću

Nakit koji pravim je inspirisan konjima i srećom koju mi bavljenje tim životinjama donosi.

Na vaš zahtev, na majicama, duksevima i torbama mogu da budu odštampani motivi koji su preneti sa crteža, mojih originalnih umetničkih radova. Inspiracija za crteže su konji

Motivi iz prirode su u originalu rađeni u tehnici suvi pastel na pastel papiru i crtani su na licu mesta („plein air drawing“). Na zahtev mogu da budu odštampani u željenoj veličini kao poster, uramljeni poster ili na slikarskom platnu.
Uživajte u gledanju i odaberite nešto po meri vaše duše!

Srdačno, Soulartis TMV

Welcome to Soulartis TMV /En

Animals and nature are my never ending and biggest inspiration. You are looking at products (works) that belong to different parts but are all inspired by favourite animal pets and nature.

It will be my honour and pleasure to make the portrait of your pet ever lasting. In the creating process artistic skill will be embroided and they will be made with great dedication.

Jewellery I make is inspired by horses and hapiness which dealing with these animals brings.

On your demand. On shirts. T-shirts and bags motives from drawings can be printed, my original artistic works. Horses are inspiration for drawings.

Motives from nature are originally made in dry pastel technique on dry paper and are drawn on the spit ("plein air drawing“). On demand they can be printed in wanted size as a poster, framed poster or on art canvas.

Enjoy in watching and choose something by the measure of your soul!

Sincerely, Soulartis TMV


Pejzaži odštampani na platnu / Sr
Ako volite crteže i slike pejzaža koji su uz to i originalno umetničko delo koje sam svojeručno radila a koji su cenom pristupačni, štampani u željenim dimenzijama na platnu, spremni da se odmah okače na zid i oplemene prostor, budite slobodni da pogledate fotografije radova koje nudim. Pejzaži su slikani tehnikom suvi pastel na pastel papiru. Rađeni su na licumesta, "plain air painting", čime su zadržali svežinu izraza i neposrednost utiska. Skenirani su i štampani na kanvasu u željenim dimenzijama...

U izradi...

Landscape printed on canvas / En
If you love drawings and images of landscapes that are also the original artwork that I myself made and which are affordable, printed in the desired dimensions on the canvas, ready to be immediately hung on the wall and to enrich the space, be free to look at the photos of the work I offer. The landscapes were painted with a dry pastel on pastel paper. They are made on the spot, "plain air painting ", thereby kept the freshness of the expression and the directness of the impression. They were scanned and printed on the canvas in the desired dimensions...

In preparation...

Štampanje na zahtev / Print on demand
Portreti ljubimaca/Pet Portraits

Portreti ljubimaca/Sr
Životinje su za mene neiscrpna inspiracija. Naši kućni ljubimci ali i ostali životinjski pratioci (moji su maca Coka i konji Tina, Lasta, Bono i Lela) su verni i često nerazdvojni, možemo slobodno da kažemo prijatelji, koji nam pružaju utehu ali i daju energiju sa kojom prolazimo kroz život. Portrete životinjskih ljubimaca crtam i slikam sa velikom posvećenošću u tehnici suvi pastel na podlozi od kvalitetnog pastel papira. Radim ih realistično sa velikom tačnošću i trudim se da u portret ljubimca unesem i specifične crte njegovog karaktera i prirode. Biće mi čast i zadovoljstvo da ovekovečim portret vašeg ljubimca! Vaš, Soulartis TMV

Pet Portraits/En
Animals are an inexhaustive inspiration to me. Our pets but also other animal escorts (my cat Coka and the horses Tina, Lasta, Bono and Lela) are faithful and often inseparable, we can freely say friends, that provide comfort to us but also give the energy with witch we pass through life. With great dedication I draw and paint portraits of animal pets in dry pastel technique on the background of quality pastel paper. I do them realistically with great accuracy and I try to put the specific traits of the character and nature in the pet portrait. It will be my honour and pleasure to immortalate a portrait of your pet! Your Soulartis TMV


Da li ste i vi ljubitelj konja i nakita? Ako je odgovor potvradn, onda ste na pravom mestu. Kolekciju nakita pod nazivom Horselover sam radila sa puno posvećenosti i u potpunosti je inspirisana konjima. Ukoliko tražite komad nakita, ogrlicu ili narukvicu, koju biste poklonili nekom dragom ili sebi (zašto da ne) a da je rađen od najkvalitetnijih metalnih komponenti, upustite se u razgledanje. Pojedini komadi nakita su rađeni u kombinaciji sa pravom kožom. Svaka narukvica ili ogrlica je posebna i jedinstvena, ručno rađena. Hvala vam što se interesujete za nakit koji pravim! Vaš Soulartis TMV

U izradi...

Are you also a fan of horses and jewels? If the answer is affirmative, you're in the right place. A collection of jewellery called Horselover I created with a lot of dedication and was completely inspired by horses. If you are looking for a piece of jewelry, a necklace or a bracelet, which you would give to someone dear to you or to yourself (why not) and that it is made of the highest quality metal components, let yourself into sightseeing. Certain pieces of jewellery are made in combination with real leather. Each bracelet or necklace is special and unique, hand-made. Thank you for taking an interest in the jewellery I make! Your Soulartis TMV

In preparation...
